Calm | Clarity | Connection | Communication | Consistency
Learn more the transformative power of holistic techniques for your dog
Do you have a dog that struggles to walk on a loose leash? Can't listen when out and about? Won't come back when you call them? Finds it impossible to settle down or stop? or is reactive &/or anxious?
Start your transformational journey today and live life with the dog you've been dreaming about!
Imagine your dog being able to listen whilst out and about, coming back when you call them......first time! How would you feel when your dog walks nicely with you on a loose lead and when you get home they then settle down and relax.
You can help your dog do all this and so much more when you harness the right training techniques. Positive, reward-based and holistic teachings to balance both ends of the lead!
Transform your dogs life and transform your own too.
Learn how to use simple yet highly effective, positive and reward-based training techniques along side holistic elements such as scripting, visualisations, mediations, mindfulness, breathwork, energy work, affirmations and more.
Energy Chat
Join me and my gorgeous daughter Gabriella as we dive into a lively conversation about energy and its impact on you, your dog, your training, and your relationships!
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